🎨 --WelcomE-- 🌍 ✏️Greetings, fellow artists, and enthusiasts! You have discovered the clandestine haven where creativity knows no bounds – the International House of Drawing (IHOD). Within these walls, artists from all around unite to celebrate the magic of drawing.
🌟 Weekly Drawing: We hold Saturday at 9 AM sacred for draw somewhere in public. Typically at or near a coffee shop. We arrive within the first hour. Attendance and location confirmed on Thursday/Friday. Make location recommendations in the chat. Will attempt to keep our shared calendar updated. Access to edit the calendar available upon request. 🤫 The Art of Secrecy: Our gatherings are discreet, fostering an atmosphere of mystery and excitement. Folks interested in a practice of drawing are welcome. If you know of someone who may like to draw on Saturdays, you may invite them. If you received a card for IHOD, you may pass along to a worthy visionary. 🌐 Connecting the Global Art Community: IHOD transcends borders. We are a network of artists from various corners of the world. Exchange ideas, techniques, and cultural influences, weaving an international tapestry of creativity. Ask for a link to the discord in the chat. Join on Signal too (for avoiding instagram and artificial intelligence). 💰Sales of Collaborative Works: 40% of sales from collaborative pieces goes toward future See Saw Draw projects. The remaining 60% are split between the artists who collaborated on the piece. Any sale of individual pieces sold alongside collaborative works will be the responsibility of the artist and they will retain 100% profit. 🏠 Your Creative Sanctuary: Consider this house your artistic home. Engage in collaborative projects, experiment with new styles, and revel in the camaraderie of a community that understands the language of lines, shapes, and colors. We are messing around and trying things out. 👒Wearing the Captain's Hat: Collaboration requires an openness to take the lead and also be curious about following cues from others. Weekly drawing will build trust in the group and support successful collaborations. Who wears the Captain's Hat is determined but who has vision and who's available to put on the hat. You may offer the hat to someone in the group and make a request. 👀 See Saw Draw: Our public facing project See Saw Draw is designed for working on collaborative projects and planning group shows. Details will be discussed in the discord and dedicated instagram chats. In the main IHOD chat, we will ask for interested artists to react to opportunities they want to participate in with an emoji. Follow @see.saw.draw. 🔐 Your journey with the International House of Draw begins now. Draw forth your artistic spirit, and let the secret gatherings inspire your creations. Welcome to a realm where the beauty of art binds us together across oceans and continents. May your strokes be bold, your imagination boundless, and your secret drawings legendary! Sincerely, The International House of Drawing 🎨🏠✨ CalendarRules & Regulations